Worse discrimination and stigma with misinformation

Mental health care: good, bad, or just plain ugly?

Moderator: embleton

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Worse discrimination and stigma with misinformation

Post by embleton » Thu Mar 05, 2015 3:24 am

Channel 4's documentary Being Bipolar doesn't offer any additional information on treatments or knowledge concerning reducing stigma and discrimination. Its poorly represents those with this condition and treats them as labels not individual subjects but rabbits in a cage That don't need medication but psychological psychotherapy, surely the aim is to use all available methods and techniques in managing the condition in people such as myself and those on the programme. So we can lead productive stress-free lives and enjoy ourselves, without being too destructive to ourselves or others. And to better inform the viewer about bipolar without increasing the likelihood of stigma and discrimination, with misinformation about mental health distress through the eyes of yet another professional.

It was useful to hear the news that psychotropic's usually causing imbalances in brain chemistry that isn't the result of an imbalance in the first place, as that's not what bipolar affective disorder is caused by. But psychobabble by psychiatrists that they repeat endlessly to their misinformed patients. But still, on Twitter you see some individuals defending their right and endlessly stating they need the mind-altering psychotropic drugs continually to cope with their life or they'll die with their brain chemical imbalance. Even one individual stated such on the channel 4 programme. But the choice is up to the individual, and shouldn't be rammed down anyone's throat by a psychiatrist.

So many individuals are swayed by the pharmacological companies endless advertising campaigns. Including those by psychiatrists that seem only to state take the medication and you'll be all right. Never have I had an intellectual conversation with any one of them or their psychiatric nurses. That the real benefits of psychotropic’s are managing the condition during acute phases and this information is hidden behind endless research rubbish about maintenance treatment. Do yourself a favour if you're diagnosed with the condition to ensure that drugs are used as a last resort and only for the shortest period possible. Don't believe like I did that maintenance treatment with drugs is the answer when it causes endless years of suffering and complications later in life that can be minimised. And do try the natural substance l-taurine as an alternative to mood stabilisers, as it really works and doesn't cause damage to the brain by altering its chemical balance.

Now we have another so-called professional blabbing about psychotherapy for those suffering from mental health distress, in studying the subject with a sample of only three people on what being bipolar is all about, with unhelpful and completely disrespectful remarks concerning these poor individuals and their thinking and functioning, when it's adequate and normal for some to talk with expansiveness in their expressions as was shown on the programme, were they causing anybody any harm, certainly not.

People need to be understood not presented like rats in an experiment for one’s own professional curiosities. More than one individual on Twitter believes that neuroscience is a field that is mature enough to manage and explain mental health distress, we are at a point where funds have dried up for research in current or continual areas for improving the situation for ourselves, more funds need to be available during this period of austerity. Without funds that are controlled by us for us, so we as a group can decide on the right direction for these funds in research areas in improving our lives, nothing will improve in the future.

And why may I ask was the programme not presented by individuals with the condition, so they can share their experiences truthfully without professional silliness?

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