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" you will never get better"

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:03 pm
by Ruthnaomi
I feel that I am helped and supported a lot by mental health services. Not wanting to sound melodramatic but I would not be here anymore. Sometimes this can upset me when I'm down, but when I'm happy with life I am pleased to be alive. My mental health team have supported me to the extent that I can complete a degree at art college.

However one unhelpful comment, a few years ago from a certain psychiatrist said that, " you will never get better or do anything worthwhile with your life." A heartbreaking and shattering comment that could have destroyed my life. Or did he say it so I would want to prove him wrong? Who knows?

Re: " you will never get better"

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 9:15 pm
by embleton
Ruthnaomi wrote:However one unhelpful comment, a few years ago from a certain psychiatrist said that, " you will never get better or do anything worthwhile with your life." A heartbreaking and shattering comment that could have destroyed my life. Or did he say it so I would want to prove him wrong? Who knows?
I've experienced many an unhelpful psychiatrist mainly in hospital, and especially in relation to taking medication and them treating me disrespectfully by forcing injections on me without my consent, even though I was willing to take oral medication without issue.

They talk down to effectively what is their clients without even considering the feelings of the individual and some threat us like second class folk who don't deserve the standard respect that others always get in our society. We shouldn't expect such poor service in this day and age, I thought we'd exited the Middle Ages some years ago, but it isn't the case still to this day, in my opinion.

It is nice to know that your now taking an Arts degree and hopefully your enjoying the experience? It must be hard work handling all the necessary work involved with the course?

Re: " you will never get better"

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:05 am
by Ruthnaomi

Thank you I am enjoying my course, but at times I have had to have time out. I came close to dropping out last term, but returned with extenuating circumstances. Best decision I made as it gives me a purpose. Looking forward to my return in September. Take a gander at my college work, on ( hidden history of Plymouth).

I agree that care with in hospital from psychiatrists is not always at its best, that's where one doctor, who shall remain nameless, kept being so negative about my chance of improving, etc. Once he retired, the next doctor followed suit of course and gives me a hard time. In the end he decided not to even bother seeing me at ward rounds, however that felt like a big relief.

I'm sorry to hear of your experiences with the hospital and medication, it feels like it is against your human rights really, especially if you agreed to take the medication orally.

My experience with medication is that they like to feed me lorazepam and/ or haleparedol in big quantities, if I present as distressed or tearful. This merely masks the problem, a gaping wound with a sticky plaster. Yes medication can offer relief at times, but it does not beat the chance to talk about what is making you feel distressed. Mind you would I trust most of the staff in hospital with my thoughts? At home, in the community, I hardly ever use PRN medication! even when I am upset. Yes I could afford to use it a bit more, but also I have help and good friends to turn to.

Re: " you will never get better"

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 12:03 am
by embleton
Ruthnaomi wrote:My experience with medication is that they like to feed me lorazepam and/ or haleparedol in big quantities, if I present as distressed or tearful. This merely masks the problem, a gaping wound with a sticky plaster. Yes medication can offer relief at times, but it does not beat the chance to talk about what is making you feel distressed. Mind you would I trust most of the staff in hospital with my thoughts? At home, in the community, I hardly ever use PRN medication! even when I am upset. Yes I could afford to use it a bit more, but also I have help and good friends to turn to.
I take haloperidol occasionally also, but it makes me feel half dead, lorazepam I've taken in hospital and it just sends me to sleep. With all the medication it just manages the condition and not very well at that, in my opinion. To trust the staff in hospital with my manic and psychotic thoughts, previously, only got me a longer stay in the institution. I do take diazepam PRN frequently, and it does seem to relax me during stressful periods, much like lorazepam but a slower release. It is addictive if you take it daily and I try to take a rest from that medication occasionally if not often.

Good friends are important and you're lucky in that respect...

I've taken a quick look at your site and will explore it later in more detail, mainly looked at the photographs and some are artistic and unusual or should I say unique! :D