Sky Glass TV and Puck Device Net Neutrality

Sky the broadband internet service provider.

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Sky Glass TV and Puck Device Net Neutrality

Post by embleton » Tue Oct 26, 2021 12:50 am

Sky Glass TV and Puck streaming device are great ideas but wouldn't a more open software ecosystem prove more profitable and innovative for future generations, including maximisation of revenue?

A Sky Glass TV is a must for a Puck streaming device what nonsense to restrict the streaming devices to effectively selling a TV when the actual viewing content is also a source of revenue. Open standards are an integral forward-looking innovation into future technologies and services including the software!

Without sharing TV software services across different manufacturing sectors we have a player controlling the content on a completely enclosed hardware platform which is neither wise for the reliability or future service revenue resource, and it opens the question of net device neutrality per Ofcom regulations.

Is this wise and a privilege that a corporation control content and hardware to access the TV viewing experience singerly, it seems idiotic for that corporation, innovation and maximisation of revenue?

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